The Best Makeup Sponges & Beauty Blenders & What Each Shape Is Meant For
You could have the most beautiful silky or velvety foundation going, but if you haven't got the right tools for the job, you could be wasting all that gorgeous product, or settling for a ‘meh’ mottled finish, rather than a base that melds seamlessly with your skin.
High quality makeup brushes (or our fingers) are a great shout for layering on product and giving a beautiful, even finish. Since neither absorb much product, they're great for building up coverage. Even better, both offer different finishes depending on what effect you're trying to achieve. In general, brushes tend to give a perfected finish and are great if you like a fuller coverage. Meanwhile, the heat from your fingers are best employed on liquid or cream textures to help warm the product up and melt them into skin, enabling you to blend away any harsh lines.
31 best makeup brushes and makeup brush sets, to buff and blend your products to perfection
Gallery31 PhotosBut, if some of TikTok's most addictive hacks are anything to go by, we could be missing a trick by skipping out on makeup sponges. That, and the fact some of our most reliable makeup artists swear by them for the most exquisite finish.
Why? A sponge allows you to build up fine layers of foundation delicately. The addition of water (sponges are best used damp) helps to blend the product beautifully, helping it meld into skin and giving great coverage in the prettiest soft-focus way.
The dampness of your sponge can help determine the finish you achieve. Thoroughly wet it and you can use it with your foundation to create a super sheer finish; dampen it ever so slightly and you can build up to a much fuller coverage. It's why they can be used for everything from "light base coverage to full base coverage and are also brilliant for sealing your base so it lasts longer throughout the day," explains makeup expert Sam Chapman, who co-founded her own range of makeup tools, Real Techniques.
To get even more out of the makeup tool, Chapman reveals she likes to spritz her sponge with a setting mist, "so not only is it blending my foundation perfectly, it’s also fixing it to the skin." What a woman.
Though sponges have transformed from the flimsy, foam triangles of the '90s, the shapes and options on offer today can be pretty baffling. From conical to egg-shaped, ridged to almond, what does each do and which should we choose?
Here’s our pro guide to makeup sponges